Many people wonder, can you eat before training? You can, as long as the meal before the planned activity is rich in the right products providing key ingredients. What are they? Here is the most important information on nutrition before planned exercise!

What should I eat before training to get the best results?

Since you can eat before your workout, it’s important to consider what kind of meal will be valuable? Remember to eat your pre-workout meal at least one hour before your planned activity, so that your body can digest the food and get valuable nutrients from it. So what should you eat before training to achieve good results?

The best solution is to eat a varied meal in terms of ingredients. It should contain the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are particularly important before training, as they provide the body with a solid energy base to work at high speeds. So it’s worth betting on a mix of simple and complex sugars, which will allow a varied rate of release of additional energy. However, you should not forget about fats. Their slow decomposition means that the energy they contain is spread out over time and constitutes a kind of reserve material.

Protein bars and snacks before training. Can you eat them?

At this point it should be mentioned that the pre-workout meal should be easily digestible. If you eat deep fried food, you will feel overfull even 3 hours after eating it. It is then difficult to expect training to be performed at a high intensity. The organism will be concentrated on breaking down the food and fighting with troublesome ailments.

But what if we are short of time and we don’t have the possibility to eat a full meal? Instead of going to the gym hungry, it is much better to reach for a snack which will quickly and easily provide the body with a number of valuable components. An example of this can be products of the Olimp Sport Nutrition brand, which have been prepared according to the highest standards. Olimp Protein Bars and Olimp Protein Snacks not only have an amazing taste but also a valuable composition.

The products provide a solid portion of wholesome protein, contain fibre and little sugar. The delicious taste and exceptionally pleasant texture make them serve as an alternative to unhealthy sweets. And the aforementioned fibre will be an ideal way to prolong the feeling of satiety. It is worth eating them before training – it is an ideal proposal for limiting hunger during exercise, as well as a great addition to your daily diet.

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