For many people the measure of an effective workout is the results achieved. It is hard to deny that. It is worth remembering, however, that an equally important issue is the lack of risk of injury. How to train without straining your joints? Here are the best ways to train safely!

How do I train so that I do not strain my joints? Warm-up is key

There is no doubt that the appropriate preparation of muscles and particular elements of the locomotor system for exercise is one of the most effective ways and also an important answer to the question ‘how to train in order not to strain the joints’. A few minutes of dynamic activity without any weight will adapt the joint capsules to later struggles with exercises that use load. Especially when it comes to activities such as squats, deadlifts and bench presses.

How you finish a workout is also important. Although after several tens of minutes of solid effort the desire to perform stretching exercises rarely appears, it is not worth giving them up for the sake of our own health. Regular stretching in combination with rolling the muscles and joints will certainly help the body regenerate after exhausting workouts. Stretching and foaming rollers have a great effect on flexibility and mobility issues.

How do I train without straining my joints? Technique matters

Activities such as jumping jacks, lunges, squats or running for hours certainly involve the body and joint connections. However, you should not give them up completely. You should first work on your exercise technique. This will help you learn how to train effectively without straining your joints. The correct technique should be understood as

  • working through the full range of movement
  • adopting an appropriate starting position
  • correct selection of the load to current possibilities
  • avoiding compensatory movements and engaging other muscle structures when exercising a particular part

If you do not have enough experience, it is worth deciding for help from a certified personal trainer. Otherwise, there is a high probability of getting an injury.

Invest in clothing for exercise

For many people, the most important thing is shoes, which will help to properly brace the foot during running or other activities. In addition, a properly fitted sole will help absorb the shock generated during a workout. However, footwear is not everything. Other elements of your outfit are also important.

That is why it is worth reaching for professional training clothing of the Olimp Live and Fight brand, which has been prepared from high-class material ensuring real comfort and incredible flexibility. The clothes do not restrict your movements during exercise and are properly fitted to your body.
